What is Leadership?

It is possible that this blog will leave you with more questions than answers. Leadership is a huge topic and means different things to different people. It is essential you define what Leadership means in your world and once you have defined it make sure that you share. 

It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that a leader is the highest paid person in the room (HiPPO) or somebody at a senior level of the business. But leaders come in all shapes and sizes.

📖   The phrase HiPPO resonates. This article is from the Evening Standard and looks at Why you shouldn't always listen to the office Hippo (7 minutes)


📖   Forbes explains what leadership is in this article What is Leadership? The article also looks at how some respected business leaders define leadership (10 minutes)


💬 You may have already come across this video, it's called Leadership from a Dancing Guy. It may not first appear to demonstrate leadership but the video goes on to talk about the first follower - making a really interesting point and challenging views on leadership (some of the comments make good reading as well) (3 minutes)


💬 In this video Simon Sinek talks about Why good leaders make you feel safe - he explores where the need for safety comes from and what is expected from a leader to achieve this (12 minutes)


📖   By now you will recognise that leadership means different things to different people. What is interesting in this article What is leadership, and who is a leader? by Jacob Morgan on Chief Learning Officer is that he talks about how important it is to define what leadership means in your world. Without that definition how can you, your existing and your future leaders drive success (10 minutes)


📖   Let's take another look at how important it is to define what leadership means in your 'world'. In this article by Lolly Daskal on Inc. you can see 100 Answers to the Question: What is Leadership?, the title goes on to say 'There are as many definitions as there are leaders' (20 minutes)

If you know any great resources that should be included please share them.

Photo by Ian Parker on Unsplash
