Dealing with Stress

📖  When you are in the middle of a stressful situation it can actually be very difficult to spot the signs of stress in yourself. This article from ISMA UK (International Stress Management Association) called How to Identify Stress may help you step back and identify if you need to manage your stress more carefully. (5 minutes)


📖 Mayo Clinic recommends taking time to consider common stressors and how they affect you in this article called Stress management: Know your triggers. (5 minutes)


💬 There are always different ways of looking at things. In this TED talk Kelly McGonigal looks at research suggesting that stress may only be a bad thing if you believe it to be. It's an interesting angle - what do you think? The talk is titled How to make stress your friend. (14 minutes 28)


💬 If you're not quite ready to embrace stress, this video from watchwellcast called Stress Management Strategies: Ways to Unwind may be of interest. It's aimed at students, but is no less relevant to any of us. (5 minutes 5) 


💁  It's no secret that Learning Perspectives a big fan of a bot. This all started with one simple bot called Woebot. This bot is designed to help us all cope with feelings of depression and anxiety. You can use it as and when you want and set it up to give you prompts to remind you interact with it. It may not be the most sophisticated bot on earth, but why not take a look to see if it's useful for you. You will find more about it here.


If you have been dealing with stress being resilient can help you bounce back to your normal self. In this article from Greater Good Magazine, published by the Greater Good Science Centre at UC Berkeley we look at Five science-backed strategies to build resilence. (15 minutes)  

Photo by sharon wright on Unsplash
